Wednesday 30 April 2014

Joanna Gruesome Pretend to be Devils

It’s disappointing that Welsh rockers Joanna Gruesome has not released a music video for Anti-Parent Cowboy Killers. It’s disappointing that Joanna Gruesome don’t release music videos, period. Even too-cool-for-school bands that have been notoriously anti-videos like Nirvana and Pearl Jam knew that music video-making is a necessary evil that one can bemoan later once momentum is in full flow, but not before.
Joanna Gruesome is a young five-piece band that makes angrily melodic pop songs about emotional breakdowns and mental illness. Headed by lead singer and songwriter Alanna McArdle, the group apparently came together through artistic exercise classes that formed part of anger management sessions they participated in. The group has also spoken about their penchant for doing Ouija boards and other satanic rituals, going as far to promote the fact that their new album, Weird Sister, was written at a Brighton hotel called Hell House that is claimed to be frequented by occultists.
This band seems scarily off-kilter, yet their music is always fun and accessible. The reluctance to commission music videos may be against Joanna Gruesome’s opaquely satanic religious beliefs, but that seems almost fabricated. True followers of satanic rites adore showmanship, but for now Joanna Gruesome won’t relent, instead choosing to feed the music press tantalisingly sensational titbits about whom and what they are, which piques the media’s attention further.
To be true, these kids seem far too adorable to be thought of as winged-demon worshipers. It’s all part of being cool. A crystal ball shows that banal kiddie-crèches and mundane flexible mortgages awaits.

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